Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Across New York, high school students are learning how to program drones for commercial applications, designing lighting for stage productions, learning about installing alternative energy systems such as wind and solar, building and coding robots to solve real-world challenges, and operating cutting-edge machinery in advanced manufacturing settings. Career & Technical Education, or CTE, is evolving to meet the needs of a changing economy – and is appealing to a new generation of students looking to get the best possible head-start on their futures.
For more than 50 years, DCMO-BOCES has offered unique and practical Career and Technical Education (CTE) programming to high school students that provide academic and technical instruction in the content areas of agriculture, business and marketing, family and consumer sciences, health sciences, trade and technical education, and technology education.
CTE instructional pathways can serve as a launch pad for future learning while also facilitating the necessary practical skill sets to prepare learners to enter the workforce upon graduation from high school in most cases.
Under the New York State Education Commissioner’s Regulations, students enrolled in an approved school district or BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) program may earn academic credits for Math, English, and Science using a variety of approaches once the student has met the graduation exam requirement. Flexibility in attaining course requirements can be achieved through fully integrated CTE programs of study, through specialized CTE courses for each of the final units in English, Science and Mathematics or through a combination of integrated course work through specialized and integrated CTE courses. All CTE programs at the DCMO BOCES have been approved by the State Education Department. Consultation with High School Guidance Counselors and High School administration will be necessary in order for the final unit of credit to be awarded to the student on a school by-school basis. All State-approved CTE programs are taught in a two year sequence. Level 1 is for first-year students, usually high school juniors, and Level 2 is for second-year students. The first year of the program is foundational and the second year is designed to reinforce the learning of the first year and introduce more complex units as well as prepare the students for career and college in their interest area. Students who successfully complete all requirements of the approved CTE program may earn a Technical Endorsement to be affixed to the high school diploma. Requirements leading to the Technical Endorsement include:
Completion of a minimum of 22 units of credit as set forth in Commissioner’s Regulations.
Passing grades on five (5) required Regents examinations or approved alternatives.
Successful completion of an approved Career and Technical Education program, completion of all work-based learning experiences as provided by the approved program, completion of a work skills employability profile.
Successful completion of a 3-part technical assessment (written, demonstration, project components).
Upon completion of the above requirements, a technical endorsement is imprinted on a seal to be affixed to the high school diploma and includes the phrase Career and Technical Endorsement. Local school districts are notified by BOCES of the students who have completed all approved program requirements and who have earned the technical endorsement each June.
Check out the 2024 DCMO Career and Technical Education video below for an in-depth glimpse at what we have to offer!
Jennifer Lawrence
Director of Career & Technical Education
Julie Wallen
Administrative Assistant
(607) 335-1258
21st Century Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs prepare students for specific career pathways through a unique learning experience that is both rigorous and comprehensive. CTE programs combine multiple learning approaches to support student achievement through academic study, hands-on learning, and the development of technical skills based upon industry-recognized standards. CTE equips students with real-world, marketable skills while they are still in high school.